Why should I buy a car from Al-Futtaim Automall?
Does Al-Futtaim Automall buy and sell all makes and models of used cars?
Where does Al-Futtaim Automall get its stock from?
Does Al-Futtaim Automall offer finance?
Will my Al-Futtaim Automall car come with a warranty?
What does the warranty cover?
Is the warranty transferable if I sell my car?
What is an accident car?
How does the 7-Day Money Back Guarantee work?
Do you ever partly or completely repaint cars before they go on sale?
If a car has been repainted, does this mean it was involved in an accident?
Will my car come with new tires?
Does each car you stock come with new brake pads and brake discs?
What does an Al-Futtaim Automall service check cover?
How do I book a car?
Can I view the car in person?
If I Pay A Deposit On A Car, Can It Be Refunded?